It enables parents to see what our school offers for children with additional needs, including how they are identified, and also signposts them in the direction of appropriate help, services and extra support, should they need it.
At Newton Village Academy, we are a fully inclusive school who ensures that all children achieve their full potential in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, physical ability or educational needs.
The purpose of this guidance is to inform you, as parents/carers, how we support all of our children, including those with SEND, to achieve their full potential. It is also intended to provide you with information regarding how you will be updated about your child’s progress, what specialist services the school has access to and how accessible the school environment is.
Furness Education Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under Company Number 06895426 Registered in England and Wales.
Registered Office- Furness Academy, Park Drive, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, LA13 9BB
Copyright 2022/2023 Newton Village Academy